"z z" > wrote in message
>I was feeling obsolete on my 50th-well, the younger people at work were
> making me feel quite obsolete...and we had just had a big snowfall, so I
> went...sledding.
> Now, I didnt want to spend serious money on a real sled, being a thrifty
> sort, so I bought a big white plastic tray used under washing machines
> for leaks lol.
> Bright sunny beautiful Saturday morning I drove to the local cemetary
> that just happened to have a good sized hill way in the back far from
> prying eyes :-)
> Took me awhile to get the hang of it been so long but pretty soon I had
> a trail blazed down the hill and took off flying. It was every bit as
> thrilling as I imagined.
> Had there been onlookers it would not have been any fun, but it was just
> me and a pristine beautiful snowscape.
> Do something to remind yourself you are an individual, alive, on your
> 50th.
weirdos here put toboggans on their heads.
my mum is buried on top a hill... big steep *******... I ride my bike
there once in a while. Water the mums I planted for me mum.