Pesto without nuts?
Peter Aitken wrote:
> I do not think that pine nuts are really nuts in the sense that cashews,
> pecans, etc. are. Neither are peanuts for that matter. Pine nuts are seeds.
> Perhaps your ban does not apply to items that are called nuts but are not?
I can eat peanuts, tree nuts, pine nuts, etc. just fine, but I've been
curious about your question for the longest time and so just did some
research. Apparently tree nuts and peanuts are not closely related.
Peanuts are closer relatives of other legumes like peas and lentils.
Pine nuts are tree nuts like almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts,
filberts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pistachios and walnuts.
For some reason, an allergy to one is likely to mean an allergy to the
others in a way that goes against common sense. My common sense would
tell me that someone allergic to peanuts should best avoid beans too,
but that's not the case. If you're allergic to peanuts, you're more
likely also to be allergic to sesame seeds and walnuts. I don't know
what the original poster is trying to avoid when s/he says s/he can't
eat nuts. I should also find out where soy products fit into this picture.