On 11/15/2012 5:42 PM, Steve Freides wrote:
> Chemo wrote:
>> Sell the house and move.
> Sounds like a good idea to me, too, although if you're old enough to be
> taking care of aging parents, you're old enough to be considering a
> place that provides some meals to you in your own retirement. Maybe
> rent it out for a few years if you think you'd like it in your own
> retirement.
> -S-
Another one of their rules: not allowed to rent the house without
getting specific permission from the Board. Assuming I got permission,
the renters would have to agree to join the club on a temporary basis.
And I suspect if they defaulted I'd still be responsible for those bills.
Then there's the horrors of being a landlord. That's definitely not
something I'm interested in becoming.
I'll just pay the damn bills and hopefully will find a job soon