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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Safeway Shoppers

"Dimitri" > wrote in message
> Out here Safeway are the Von's, Pavilions' and a few other names. I use an
> I phone with the Vons app. They have a paperless coupon built into the
> app.
> Well I added a bunch of the "Just for U" coupons and went shopping. To
> make sure I liked at the phone app to make sure the phone app had
> synchronized. it was synchronized.
> So I went shopping.
> On the way out to the car I checked a few prices. They seemed wrong.
> Hmmmm.
> I went back into the store and started checking the entire receipt.
> To make a long story short The gross bill was $180.00 with $100.00 in
> fictitious savings.
> After further review there was another $22.00 in paperless coupons not
> credited.
> The store people nicely refunded my $22.00 like it was a common issue.
> SO my advice.
> Check your receipt carefully.

Nice. I have seen that coupon thingie but I have no Smart Phone. I don't
do too much shopping at Safeway because overall they have some of the
highest prices in the area. I pretty much only go there if I am near there
and need just a few items. There was one year where I did a stock up there
and I hated paying the price. We had been snowed in for a week, then had a
week where we could get out then got snowed in for over another week...close
to two. So we were really pretty low on everything because even when we did
try to stock up some prior, the stores didn't have too much. And their
parking lots were not very clear. So we thought we'd go to Safeway thinking
their lot would be clear. Wrong! Thick ice all over.

My husband dropped us off as close to the front door as he could get and we
slipped and slid on in. Once there, we dashed around like zombies, grabbing
whatever looked like we could eat or drink it. And really there wasn't a
lot to choose from.

After we paid for the full cart of stuff, he tried to get it back to the
vehicle. But he kept slipping and falling on the ice. And this one potato
kept coming out of the bag. I can't tell you how many times it fell to the
ice and he picked it up. It got to the point of being comical. Finally we
were just shouting at him, "Leave the potato!" To this day we still talk
about that. So now I am much more careful to always keep a good stock of
non-perishable things so that won't happen again.