Safeway Shoppers
On 17 Nov 2012 12:37:24 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>On 2012-11-17, Dimitri > wrote:
>> Check your receipt carefully.
>I once discovered I'd been charged $38.00 for a bunch of parsely.
The only mistakes I find is very occasionally the deli department puts
in a wrong item number and I don't discover it until after it's rung
up at check out and I'm already home... sorta my fault too for not
looking at the price and name of the product printed on the label
before leaving the deli department, usually because I'm too busy
ogling the wimens, and I'm not about to drive all the way back to
collect a buck or two. But the thing is just as often they punch in
the wrong item number in my favor, so it averages out. Occasionally
they punch in an incorrect item number on produce too, that can also
favor either way. And since I have a drawer in my kitchen where I
save the receipts for a while if it's any amount worth the trouble I
bring the receipt to customer service my next trip. Thing is I've
never once found an error at Walmart.