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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Safeway Shoppers

On 11/18/2012 10:04 PM, Cheri wrote:
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 11/18/2012 8:10 PM, Cheri wrote:
>>> "Andy" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> At many stores they're advanced enough that you can just
>>>> recite your phone number and the membership info is fetched.
>>>> So in that sense, even membership cards are becoming obsolete!
>>>> Best,
>>>> Andy
>>> But not the constant tracking of your shopping habits, where you live
>>> etc. which leads to more telemarketing calls.
>>> Cheri

>> I don't have and have never had a store card. They know what I buy.
>> Their point of sale system keeps track of all that stuff. I've never
>> gotten a telemarketing call based on what I bought at a grocery store.
>> Jill

> How could they know what *you* buy if you pay cash? Their point of sale
> system could not keep track of your name, address etc, unless you use
> some kind of card or check, so how could they telemarket you based on
> what you buy, they couldn't, but they can and do with the cards.
> Cheri

I use my bank card to pay for groceries. That card is scanned into the
POS system for funds verification and that's how they get the
information. At some stores they ask for my phone number and I've seen
my information pop up on the screen. Still never got a telemarketing
call based on what I bought.
