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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Safeway Shoppers

"jmcquown" > wrote in message

> I use my bank card to pay for groceries. That card is scanned into the
> POS system for funds verification and that's how they get the information.
> At some stores they ask for my phone number and I've seen my information
> pop up on the screen. Still never got a telemarketing call based on what
> I bought.
> Jill

Well sure, then they would have your information. If you've ever had a
telemarketing call, how do you know that the information was not garnered
there? For instance if you bought Slim-Fast and then you get a call about
Acai Berries for weight loss or something like that? Why do you think
supermarkets and other stores have the cards in the first place if not to
track sales and the demographic of people buying, such as areas where you
live by zip code etc.
