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George M. Middius[_2_] George M. Middius[_2_] is offline
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Default Safeway Shoppers

jmcquown wrote:

> I don't have and have never had a store card. They know what I buy.
> Their point of sale system keeps track of all that stuff. I've never
> gotten a telemarketing call based on what I bought at a grocery store.

Scary, isn't it? "They" know what you buy. It has to be a conspiracy!
The left-wing marketing managers are in league with the lamestream
media, and both are in the thrall of big business, who use subliminal
suggestions to force you to buy stuff you don't need against your

Maybe you'd feel safer if you leaved somewhere with a centrally
planned economy. How about North Korea? Nobody will "know" what you
buy because, well, there's nothing to buy. Perfect!