On 18/11/2012 7:59 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> My cat Persia rarely lets me open the refrigerator door without meowing
> at me. She loves milk. Naturally, the assumption on her part any time
> I open the refrigerator door is it must involve milk. Not this time,
> goofy cat 
> It's the time of year for egg nog. I bought a bottle of it today.
> Already have the spiced rum. Delicious.
> I do have a recipe (and I've posted it here many times, don't feel like
> digging it out) for making egg nog from scratch. Why bother when you
> can buy it in the dairy case and just add some booze to it? 
Why bother? Because home made tastes better???
When I was a kid the commercial egg nog was pretty good, but it was
made with real ingredients. The last few times I tried commercial
eggnog is was way to sweet and way too artificial.
If it weren't for the cardiac issues I might consider making some
Irish Cream, a pint of cream, a can of sweetened condenses milk, 4
eggs, a spoonful of chocolate syrup, a half bottle of Irish whisky.