Thread: NEWT
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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default NEWT

On 11/20/2012 8:27 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:

> It was actually very easy, just money... I never mind spending money
> to help animals. Newt is between 5-7 years, and is not feral, someone
> must have discarded him... happens a lot with summer people who leave
> pets behind, most don't survive... Newt got lucky to choose my barn,
> I'd never let him starve. He lived in the barn all last winter, got
> well fed every day and put on good weight (he was a bag of bones
> barely living), but I didn't feel it was right to let him live all
> alone in a cold barn another winter with all the preditors about, and
> it's near impossible to find someone to adopt a grown cat. He's
> recuperating in a back bedroom. He has a new litter pan, a little
> bed, lots of blankies, a few old cat toys for the smell, and a little
> nite light. He knows he's not alone as he gets petted regularly and
> he must hear and smell the other cats who are constantly sniffing at
> his door. He just ate a can of food so he is on the mend. The vet
> said not to let the other cats near him for a week, he's not ready to
> move around much... his surgery turned out to be more than a simple
> neutering, he had one undecended testicle and they had to find it and
> put it where it belongs, so he will take longer to heal. The other
> cats are sniffing at the door, especially Jilly, who will certainly
> become his foster mommy, and show him every nook and cranny of the
> house. He also gets ear drops twice a day, he had a bad ear
> infection, but they cleaned it up while he was in surgery. He's now
> up to date on all his shots. I have a very good Veterinary clinic
> nearby (seven Vets), they will come in night or day 24/7 for
> emergencies. I wish I could go to the Vet instead of a people doctor,
> they give much better care than today's uncaring, money grubbing MDs.
> I grew up before there was medical insurance, when doctors made house
> calls for $4 and poor folks paid when/what they could... when did
> medical doctors decide they should become millionaires???

I love a happy cat story. As we say in another group, PURRS for him to
heal and integrate happily very soon with your others, especially with
Jilly to lead the way!