On Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:02:07 -0500, Gary > wrote:
>gregg1785 wrote:
>> So what kind of wine is everyone serving with Thanksgiving dinner?
>unlike others, i never serve wine with a meal. Too much wine will make any
>meal taste good. But if a meal is good on it's own, it doesn't need wine.
>Wine is a nasty taste to me to wash down some good food. Cleanse your
>pallette, my ass. People that drink wine with dinner are weird to me....or
>they aren't having a very good dinner. Why would you "wine away" that good
>food taste in your mouth? 
>I drink water or milk with my meals.
You think wine ruins the taste of a good meal, yet you drink milk with
it? I've not had milk with a meal since about 12 years old. Water,
yes, just the thought of milk with many dishes is tummy curdling.
Put away the Mogen David and get a good wine with the right food and
you may understand how they enhance each other.