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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Default Thanksgiving Wine Pairings

Dave Smith wrote:

>> Wine is a nasty taste to me to wash down some good food. Cleanse your
>> pallette, my ass. People that drink wine with dinner are weird to
>> me....or they aren't having a very good dinner. Why would you "wine
>> away" that good food taste in your mouth?

Wine doesn't "clean your palate": it interacts with it. It doesn't "wine
away" tastes, it enhances them if well paired. A sip of a bordeaux-style red
wine after a bite at a fromage de chevre is an experience which no food will
ever give you, without wine

>> I drink water or milk with my meals.

> Different strokes for different folks I guess. I like wine, and I
> especially like it with a meal. Milk, OTOH is disgusting. I didn't
> like drinking milk when I was a kid and I have not had a drink of
> milk in decades. I cannot imagine ruining a meal with a drink of milk.
> Quite seriously, if I were to look in the fridge for a cold
> drink and there was nothing but milk, there would be nothing to drink.

LOL, me too
"mi pare sia quindi arrivato il momento di salutarti definitivamente"
mardot su IHC 16.11.2012 promessa ovviamente non mantenuta [disordine
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