> Dave Smith wrote:
Gary splurted:
> >> Wine is a nasty taste to me to wash down some good food. Cleanse your
> >> pallette, my ass. People that drink wine with dinner are weird to
> >> me....or they aren't having a very good dinner. Why would you "wine
> >> away" that good food taste in your mouth? 
> Wine doesn't "clean your palate": it interacts with it. It doesn't "wine
> away" tastes, it enhances them if well paired.
I disagree. If the food is good, ANY drink of wine will wash that good taste
away immediately.
Same thing with certain meals that people traditionally drink beer
with...cookout food with beer, drinking beer while eating steamed crabs...
I didn't mean to say (above) that people drinking wine with dinner are
weird. I seem to definitely be in the minority on this subject, so I'm the
weird one.

And I have eaten at other's houses where a good wine was
supposedly paired with the meal. Just not for me.
IMO, just mine, the drinking bone is NOT connected to the eating bone.
Drinking adult beverages and eating are two completely separate activities
in my evidently misguided world. I like good wine and beer sometimes but
never with food. Never, ever!
Milk for a few kinds of meals, like a breakfast for dinner, but for me it's
the neutral taste of water that I prefer most often.