Thread: Hot dogs
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Hot dogs

Sqwertz wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Nov 2012 20:03:57 -0800, sf wrote:
> > I'm not a big hot dog fan (must be burned over a flame outdoors)

> Nothing wrong with warming them up in the microwave and the sticking a
> fork in it and charring it over the gas flame of your stove for 2
> minutes.
> -sw

I will try that sometime, Steve.

The best hotdogs I've ever had (brand not important) are ones cooked on a
stick and held over a campfire. Doesn't matter what wood you use, just dried
sticks from the woods.

I like to hike in a local state park here on cold winter days. Only cold
winter days because it's a combo of woods and swamp...a haven for many water
moccasin snakes in warm weather.

On these winter hiking days, I like to bring along some hotdogs and at some
point, I'll make a small (illegal) campfire and cook them. One time I was
at the shoreline on an extra low tide day. I made a small fire in a shallow
pit on the beach. Once the wood burned down to hot coals, I walked out and
collected about 6-8 oysters and put them on the hot coals. Once they
opened, it was delicious lunch.
