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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default whipped cream - how much sugar per cup of heavy cream?

Sky wrote:
> How much sugar should be included per cup of heavy cream to make whipped
> cream to cover a cake? I know how much cream to start with, but I'm
> unsure of how much sugar per cup of a cream. Yeah, yeah, I can Google,
> but then I'd have to sort through all sorts of unhelpful links. TIA.
> Sky

I frosted a cake once with whipped cream. I used a pint of heavy cream
and a cup of powdered sugar. (it was a big cake) Whip the cream first,
then add the sugar. When I added the sugar the whipped cream got stiff,
and it didn't weep like normal whipped cream, and the cake lasted for
several days so it had plenty of time for the frosting to fall apart. HTH.
