A mistake
"Jim Elbrecht" > wrote in message
> On Thu, 22 Nov 2012 17:58:02 +1100, "Farm1" >
> wrote:
>>"Janet Wilder" > wrote in message
>>> On 11/20/2012 8:23 PM, Steve Freides wrote:
>>>> Their grass-fed New Zealand cheddar cheese is delicious, healthful, and
>>>> a bargain -
>>> I'm trying to picture a big wheel of cheese grazing in a New Zealand
>>> pasture.
>>I'm trying to picture a diary cow grazing on something other than grass.
> In this neck of the woods 'grass' is green, and 'hay' is brown. And
> we used to brag about feeding our cattle grain.
But did you describe those cows as 'grazing' on grain?
> I don't know if it is like those 'uncaged chickens' we hear about. I
> wonder if giving a bovine a blade of fresh grass just before
> dispatching him/her counts as 'grass fed'.
It's New Zealand cheese. New Zealand is famed for it's grass and it's dairy
products. It's not famed for its grain growing or grain feeding.