ImStillMags > wrote in
> Thanksgiving is spent with a group of friends each year. We rotate
> hosting which includes doing the turkey. Everyone else brings sides
> and desserts and wines, etc.
> The Pineapple Au Gratin is one dish that is demanded every year so I'm
> taking that.
> I'm also taking a bowl of Superfood Salad (which I posted here a while
> back) and a couple of bottles of wine to go with the different
> courses.
> Do any of the rest of you 'rotate' holiday dinners like this? I
> really like it.
As much as I don't like pineapple in anything (prefer it off the fruit,
or straight out of the tin), this sounds intriguing, and slightly
disgusting ;-)
The SO loves pineapple in just about anything, and cooked anyway, so
I'll make up a batch and see how it goes for the next party.
As for 'rotating'..... I usually host the large Christmas
gettogethers.... but i have been told that this year, we are being
I was a little 'miffed' to start with, but then thought about all the
hard work, and the weeks and weeks of prep, and thought "Bugger it!! I
want a rest this year!!" :-)
So now I'm looking forward to just rocking up, eating and drinking, and
going home ;-)
To be a warrior is not a simple matter of wishing to be one.
It is rather and endless struggle
that will go on to the very last moment of our lives.
Nobody is born a warrior,in exactly the same way that
nobody is born an average man.
We have to make ourselves into one or the other.
A warrior must only take care that his spirit is not broken.