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Chemo[_2_] Chemo[_2_] is offline
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Default Happy Thanksgiving

On Nov 23, 3:04*pm, Dave Smith > wrote:
> On 23/11/2012 3:27 PM, Christine Dabney wrote:
> >>> The difference is nursing pays better and it is an essential service.
> >>> Some people need 24/7 care. There is no good reason to have big sales on
> >>> holidays.

> >> Nurses may start off at a monetary level higher than Joe Schmoe over
> >> in the shoe department; but it's beginning salary for a college
> >> graduate with a post grad degree and they don't get rich doing what
> >> they do.

> > And for what we do, we don't get paid nearly enough. *Other people's
> > lives are in our hands..literally.

> I don't know how much you get paid. It changes from one area to another.
> Around here nurses are quite well paid, and I know several Canadian
> trained nurses who are working in the US and making good *money. FWIW, I
> have a SiL who is a psychiatric nurse and I am under the impression that
> her annual salary is in the $70-80,000 range.

Problem is...people don't live within their means so the feel like
they should be paid more and more and more.....I live quite well on
$10K a year.