Happy Thanksgiving
On 23/11/2012 6:14 PM, Chemo wrote:
ives are in our hands..literally.
>> I don't know how much you get paid. It changes from one area to another.
>> Around here nurses are quite well paid, and I know several Canadian
>> trained nurses who are working in the US and making good money. FWIW, I
>> have a SiL who is a psychiatric nurse and I am under the impression that
>> her annual salary is in the $70-80,000 range.
> Problem is...people don't live within their means so the feel like
> they should be paid more and more and more.....I live quite well on
> $10K a year.
I think that part of that may be the added responsibilities and demands
for higher and higher qualification. Nurses used to go to nursing
school. Then it became a college course, and now most of them go to
The same thing has happened with teachers. When I was young, teachers
went to teacher's college for a year to teach elementary school. Only
high school teachers had to have a university degree. Now elementary
school teachers have to have a university degree. So now they have at
least three years of a more expensive post secondary education. Of
course they should be paid more. They paid the price and did the work
to get the qualifications demanded.