Happy Thanksgiving
On 23/11/2012 6:52 PM, Christine Dabney wrote:
>> Why is that supposed to be considered a windfall if she has years of
>> experience? That's what pushers with similar qualifications at the
>> supervisory level make (RNs are supervisors too) and you're begrudging
>> that salary to her? Why, because she's female?
> Thank you.
> People don't seem to realize that nurses salaries top out fairly
> quickly...and even if a nurse has years and years experience, she/he
> might not get paid nearly as much as folks in other professions that
> don't deal with the health of others. Plus, in various places,
> nurses get paid less than some other menial workers..
I believe that I acknowledged that salaries vary from place to place,
and my point was that, around here, nursing is quite well paid.... much
better than it used to be.
> For our level of training, and the responsibilities we have, nurses
> should be making a lot more. Plus, we get a lot of crap (both
> figuratively and literally) thrown at us.. And the profession is
> brutal on our bodies.
I am not questioning that.