On 11/22/2012 9:10 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> Looksgood! Can you cook it with that plastic ring thing on the legs
>> >though?
> That's the purpose of that plastic thing, to hold the legs together,
> those Dem gals should be fitted with one for birth control. LOL
> I think it's actually nylon or delrin, same material inside your water
> faucets, they used to be made of metal, like a coat hanger, and while
> wrestling them they could easily puncture ones hand. These plastic
> ones are a big improvement.
>> >Awesome that you got that for 53 cents a pound? Wow.
> It was 49¢/lb, it was a little heavier than 15 1/2 lb, I rounded it
> off. Here it is right from the oven:
> http://i48.tinypic.com/2jed5qh.jpg
You and the cats had quite a feast on that bird. How did Newt like it?
I know, silly question.