Happy Thanksgiving
On 11/24/2012 9:01 PM, Steve Pope wrote:
> The purpose of holiday sales, Christmas gift-giving, etc. is to
> guilt people into purchases they otherwise wouldn't make.
> Is this bad? Probably not. It's these suckers who keep the
> economy going.
I sometimes delay purchases until the holiday sales. We wanted a new TV
for the bedroom but waited until Friday. Ordered a 39" RCA online from
Walmart for $250 with "free" delivery". Up until then, the least
expensive set in that size was $328.
I bought a new printer a few months ago for $119.99, not a purchase I
could defer to a later date. Same printer is on sale now for $99.99
Twenty bucks isn't going to break me, but it is a good example of how
taking advantage of sales can save you some money.
George L