Happy Thanksgiving
On 11/23/2012 5:52 PM, Christine Dabney wrote:
> People don't seem to realize that nurses salaries top out fairly
> quickly...and even if a nurse has years and years experience, she/he
> might not get paid nearly as much as folks in other professions that
> don't deal with the health of others. Plus, in various places,
> nurses get paid less than some other menial workers..
> For our level of training, and the responsibilities we have, nurses
> should be making a lot more. Plus, we get a lot of crap (both
> figuratively and literally) thrown at us.. And the profession is
> brutal on our bodies.
> Christine
My mother begged us not to go to nursing school. Back in her day, they
got paid little to nothing, and doctors wiped their feet on you. Things
have come a long way, but you still have a long way to go.