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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default whipped cream - how much sugar per cup of heavy cream?

Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Nov 2012 21:11:23 -0500, "Jean B." > wrote:
>> zxcvbob wrote:
>>> Sky wrote:
>>>> How much sugar should be included per cup of heavy cream to make
>>>> whipped cream to cover a cake? I know how much cream to start with,
>>>> but I'm unsure of how much sugar per cup of a cream. Yeah, yeah, I
>>>> can Google, but then I'd have to sort through all sorts of unhelpful
>>>> links. TIA.
>>>> Sky
>>> I frosted a cake once with whipped cream. I used a pint of heavy cream
>>> and a cup of powdered sugar. (it was a big cake) Whip the cream first,
>>> then add the sugar. When I added the sugar the whipped cream got stiff,
>>> and it didn't weep like normal whipped cream, and the cake lasted for
>>> several days so it had plenty of time for the frosting to fall apart. HTH.
>>> Bob

>> For my pie, I always use 1 cup of cream and one big spoon of
>> powdered sugar. But I am looking for a very faint sweetness to
>> contrast with the pie, plus some stability. Frosting would be a
>> whole 'nother matter as far as level of sweetness goes.

> I rarely bother with whipped cream... for pie and cake I much prefer
> vanilla ice cream.

Depends on the pie. Ice cream on pumpkin chiffon pie? Not for me.