Ping Susan
I have the nook device but amazons reader app on my tablet..
she was asking about on her tablet
you can get a application for pretty much any tablet you can buy that lets
you read amazon and barns and nobles books on it.
"W. Baker" wrote in message ...
KROM > wrote:
: nice deals!
: the easiest way to get books with a lovely page turn effect on any tablet
: to get the amazon kindle app for that device..or if you?re a barns and
: person get their app.
: or both!
: :-)
I have a B&N Nook. I got it becuse there is a store near me so if I have
any problem I just salk in and get it taken care of. Very good for
ham-hamdedpeople with vision problems:-)
: "Janet Wilder" wrote in message
: On 11/24/2012 11:34 AM, KROM wrote:
: >
: > oh I got the galaxy s 3 from att..and just saw a Verizon add on tv for
: > it for free so annoyed I didn?t wait a
: My daughter got hers yesterday from Verizon. Not free but heavily
: discounted.
: I got Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7" from Verizon yesterday. It normally
: goes for at least $250 without cellphone connectivity. With the cell
: phone connectivity $350 with a contract and higher without. I paid
: $99.99 with a 2 year commitment. It will be only $10 per month to add it
: to my phone service.
: Such a good deal that a sprang for an SD card at 25% off and screen
: protector at 25% off.
: Now I need to figure out how to get some books into it.
: > but att here hasn?t been a problem..
: >
: > oooh btw my one holiday indulgence was homemade corn bread with
: > jalapeno..I never had it that way ever and wifes from south so had me do
: > it.
: >
: --
: Janet Wilder
: Way-the-heck-south Texas
: Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.