On 26/11/2012 5:03 PM, sf wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Nov 2012 15:11:16 -0500, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>> There was a recent case of a girl who was being cyber bullied and ended
>> up killing herself, but not before she made a video about how she was
>> being bullied. Heaven forbid that she could have simply stopped going
>> online, stopped making a public spectacle of herself, stop reacting to
>> the "bullies" . There are so many of them on the net that as soon as one
>> stops being a willing victim another will take her place.
> I still don't understand that one. It was Facebook, a site where you
> can do a lot to protect yourself.
> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...-pictures.html
> Why didn't she use FB's private chat function on the night in
> question? Where her posts Public? Change the setting (no Friends of
> Friends either). Why didn't she create lists of "Friends" and use the
> Block ability so that cyberbullies wouldn't see her and best of all,
> she wouldn't see them?
Well, that's petty much the problem the way I see it. They could go
into private chat but that is not why they are there. They crave
attention and social media give them the opportunity to makes fools of
themselves in ever grander scales. It would seem that this girl opted
instead to log into large chat venues and then set herself up for abuse.
Coincidentally, I read that some sort of FB pages were set up in her
memory and they quickly filled with abusive remarks and "cyber bullying"
I guess the deal is that if you posted something on the site that
would be good, but if you posted something to the effect that she was an
attention whore who should have simply stayed out of social media or
block her detractors that would constitute cyber bullying.