Thread: Nut paranoia
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Nut paranoia

"Mark Thorson" > wrote in message
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> My health food store has a warning on the door asking us not to wear
>> scented
>> products when we shop there because some people are allergic. My friend
>> said there was a similar note on the door where she was going for
>> physical
>> therapy. This angers me too! I always wear perfume. I like it. And I
>> use
>> scent in my laundry. I am always going to have scent in my laundry. If
>> I
>> go early enough in the day and if I remember not to use perfume before I
>> shop there, I will go in with somewhat less scent than usual. But I also
>> have packs of lavender in my drawers.

> They aren't truly allergic. It's called
> "multiple chemical sensitivity", and it is
> a psychological response to "chemical" odors.

Oops! Sent a blank response.

That could be but I also know that I am allergic to something in some
perfumes. I don't know exactly what it is. But one that does give me
trouble is Giorgio. Thankfully that seemed to go out with the 80's although
I do still occasionally encounter women who have it on. And I was once
given a gift of something I was allergic to. In both cases I broke out in
head to toe hives, my eyes began streaming and I sneezed my head off. In
the case of the gift, I just had to throw it away. You see my mom gave it
to me and she was also allergic to it! She had the same reaction as I did.
And it wasn't something we could return, because it didn't come from a
store. Her friend's daughter was in the business of giving out perfume
samples and she sold this stuff to her. It was a case of samples! All the
same scent. But even if it had come from the store... Neither of us could
have driven it back to the store because just having it in our vehicle set
us off. And the stuff was in a box too!

But the thing with the health food store is that they sell essential oils,
scented candles and some of the smelliest creams and other cosmetics I have
ever run across. So how can they tell people not to wear scent into their