Nut paranoia
Dave Smith wrote:
> Maybe she just wanted her 15 minutes of fame, but she got a lot more
> than she had hoped for. People were outraged at the suggestion and, as
> it turns out, acorns are not the kind of tree nuts that cause allergic
> reactions. They can cause problems to some people if they eat them.
> Acorns are very bitter and they are not eaten in North America.
> Now the woman is whinging that in a a free, civilized society we should
> be able to voice our opinions and make our requests to elected officials
> without fear of reprisal, ridicule, or regret. While I agree with the
> general idea of that, it does not protect you in cases were your
> requests are ridiculous and unwarranted. We reserve the right not to
> take people seriously when they are being ridiculous. There was
> absolutely no reason for her to even be concerned about oak trees and
> acorns, but that didn't stop her little brain from looking for some
> cheap celebrity.
She should be able to voice her opinion to elected officials, no matter
how dumb it is. But not the "without fear of ridicule" part.
BTW, "whinging" is a great word. It should be used more often,
especially for silly people complaining about stupid things.