holiday pies
On 12/2/2012 11:08 AM, Somebody wrote:
> pumpkin, sweet potato, or apple? other?
> Was watching Kamau Bell the other week and he did a segment on pumpkin vs.
> sweet potato pie. All the black people said sweet potato, and all the white
> people said pumpkin. At the end, he had 2 pies and 3 non-white/non-blacks
> to taste test them. 2 of 3 chose the sweet potato pie... I don't remember
> seeing sweet potato pie in the stores around here. I think I would prefer
> apple pie ala mode, personally.
What is a non-white/non-black person? A whiter shade of pale? You've
gone back to being a moron, I see. My solution: don't eat pie.