Thread: holiday pies
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Default holiday pies

On Sun, 2 Dec 2012 11:08:05 -0500, "Somebody" >

> pumpkin, sweet potato, or apple? other?
> Was watching Kamau Bell the other week and he did a segment on pumpkin vs.
> sweet potato pie. All the black people said sweet potato, and all the white
> people said pumpkin. At the end, he had 2 pies and 3 non-white/non-blacks
> to taste test them. 2 of 3 chose the sweet potato pie... I don't remember
> seeing sweet potato pie in the stores around here. I think I would prefer
> apple pie ala mode, personally.

I made a sweet potato pie for the first time last month (first time
I'd tasted it too). I prefer pumpkin, but if I just wanted to make a
small one (I have a 7 inch pie pan), I'd use sweet potato again and
it's the perfect way to plump up those cans of pumpkin that are two
ounces lighter these days.

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.