On 12/2/2012 8:31 PM, Tommy Joe wrote:
> On Dec 1, 12:48 pm, jmcquown > wrote:
>> Is anyone actually cooking anything?
>> Jill
> You know, people accuse me of being negative all the time, but
> your post is truly negative. You could have posted, "Anyone cooking
> anything?", without all the negative intro hoopla.
Yes, I could have. But then it would have been yet another boring and
probably ignored "Anyone Cooking Anything?" post. I've been deleting a
lot of stupid posts, very few of which feature anyone talking about food
or cooking or even remotely cooking related. Kinda sad when you think
about it.
> Answer: I am not cooking this week. I'm taking off from that.
> TJ
Perfectly acceptable answer, thanks! Heck, I don't cook every day. I
cook enough for a few meals and I portion out the leftovers and freeze
them. That way when I don't feel like cooking I don't have to.
But really, some of the posts are just way too stupid and obviously
personal grudges and that gets older than leftovers. At least I got
some folks talking about food