Nothing Interesting to Post?
On Dec 3, 12:05*am, (z z) wrote:
> As I see it there are two types of aggression (or aggressors.) Offensive
> and Defensive. I completely understand defensive aggression, aka
> reaction, but I really don't understand offensive aggression.
> Interesting off-topic subject :-)
In a newsgroup I might appear aggressive. I never set out
thinking, "What can I say today to **** someone off?" I don't like
that kind of thing and don't really understand it. But sometimes as
I'm writing a response to someone, or an opinion about something, as
I'm writing it I will recognize that it may not be a popular stance
and might cause some people to get upset. Now, at that time I might
actually think that's a good thing, rocking the boat or stirring the
pot - but I don't set out to do it. If my honest feelings on
something cause those feelings to arise in people, that's just too
bad. But yes, I admit it, I have discovered while writing certain
things that they might be taken in a negative way, but I write and
send them anyway, even knowing some people may not like it - and maybe
even delighting in knowing that don't like it - but only in the hopes
that at least one of the many might agree with me on it. So I don't
set out to disturb and it happens anyway as the result of honest
words, then I'm sorry, but my policy is that that's just too bad. The
aggressive behavior I see in newsgroups that bugs me most are the
multiple thread starters. Intrusive. But otherwise when it comes to
honest opinions or naturally drifting off topic, I'm all for it. How
many threads can a person go into anyway? If I get involved in an
active thread, or a few of them, those threads by themselves are
usually enough to satisfy me. But to each their own I guess.