holiday pies
On Dec 4, 11:21*am, " > wrote:
> On Dec 4, 1:09*pm, Ema Nymton > wrote:
> > On 12/2/2012 8:20 PM, Somebody wrote:
> > > My niece made a sweet potato casserole with pecans on top. *I mentioned it
> > > tasted like pumpkin pie, and she sounded surprised.
> > > Do they sell sweet potato pie in most groceries? *I think I will look for
> > > it. I'm in KY and if you ask most the people born here, it's the South.
> > > Though technically it was a Northern State in the Civil War.
> > Kentucky is a beautiful state, is it Southern? *I watched the TV series
> > Justified, and judging only by that, it is a Southern state. I wonder
> > when Justified comes back on? *Hang on, I will look it up... January 8th
> > on FX.
> > Becca
> Most of Kentucky is what you would call Southern. *People in
> Louisville and Covington, which is just across the river from
> Cincinnati, however consider themselves to be more Mid-Western.
> There's a even a movement, although it's a joke, about Louisville
> seceding from the rest of Kentucky and becoming the 51st state.
Years ago I was in Kentucky. Stopped at a grocery store to get
supplies. the clerk ask me where I was from and I told her California.
she said I had a really funny accent.