holiday pies
sf wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Dec 2012 11:08:05 -0500, "Somebody" >
> wrote:
>> pumpkin, sweet potato, or apple? other?
>> Was watching Kamau Bell the other week and he did a segment on pumpkin vs.
>> sweet potato pie. All the black people said sweet potato, and all the white
>> people said pumpkin. At the end, he had 2 pies and 3 non-white/non-blacks
>> to taste test them. 2 of 3 chose the sweet potato pie... I don't remember
>> seeing sweet potato pie in the stores around here. I think I would prefer
>> apple pie ala mode, personally.
> I made a sweet potato pie for the first time last month (first time
> I'd tasted it too). I prefer pumpkin, but if I just wanted to make a
> small one (I have a 7 inch pie pan), I'd use sweet potato again and
> it's the perfect way to plump up those cans of pumpkin that are two
> ounces lighter these days.
Yup. I have been doing that for a few years now. I think it adds
something beyond those missing ounces. This thread has me
thinking that using half and half might be a worthwhile experiment