stalking (diagnostically speaking)
Somebody > wrote:
> I've never had a stalker before; I didn't think my life was
> interesting enough to attract one-- to be honest. (I don't count TJ,
> he's too disorganized, disoriented,and easily distracted to stalk
> someone for any length of time. He has trouble just staying on topic
> in a thread most the time!)
> As for stalkers, aren't they usually kinda unbalanced? Didn't that
> one that kept breaking into Letterman's house off herself after a
> while? And of course, there was Chapman, and Hinkley.
My professional observation is that you've been stalking an entire newsgroup, and a very busy one at that. You seem to relish imposing negative unwanted behavior on a significant number of people. It is not some isolated reactive behavior, but rather an obsessive/compulsive fixation, coupled with an irrational need to prevent anyone from avoiding your acting out, as evidenced by your frequent changing of names and addresses. These are signs that you may be suffering from a serious personality defect.
While professionally interesting to me on a theoretical basis, your issues as they relate to this group need to be addressed for practical reasons.
Your behavior seems to serve an overwhelming need for attention, regardless of quality. As a result you have been subjecting yourself to ridicule and retaliative harassment by those whose comfortable space you have invaded and are attempting to dominate. Furthermore you then compound the defective behavior with an amazing display of willful denial by issuing passive-agressive complaints about those who rightfully retaliate against you for abusing their group.
My educated guess based on what I have observed is that you may be suffering from borderline personality disorder. This is not to be trifled with as it is a serious mental disorder. I recommend seeking both a psychiatrist and clinical therapist at the earliest possible time, since your behavior clearly has caused and continues to cause you to experience some severe life problems. These are very likely to get worse if you do not receive treatment soon.
Personality disorders with features such as yours very often result in jails, institutions, and death since such patients tend towards significant irrational denial of their own behavior. Try not to be a statistic and seek professional help right away.
Mariotus P. Stangbetzner, M.D., Ph.D.