Tom Ungvarsky - Failed UPS Boy in Louisville, KY
On 12/4/2012 3:31 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Tue, 04 Dec 2012 18:51:00 +0100, injipoint wrote:
>>> This is some exciting stuff. How can we get an exciting life like Tom
>>> Ungvarsky, the former UPS delivery guy? (who quit his job after one
>>> full day because the step leading into the UPS truck was too high for
>>> him to climb in and out of the truck).
>> Seriously? You're pulling my leg. I must have missed that.
>> For real?
> Would I kid you? Well, yes, I would about some things. But this time
> I'm serious. Here's his UPS story in a nutshell. A little bird told
> me that all these messages (and more) were forwarded to the local UPS
> truck depot there in Louisville and CC'd to his dispatcher Jessica And
> he wonders why they don't call him. Gee, I can't see why more
> companies aren't eager to hire Tom Ungvarsky.
> There's also some other stuff about him getting fired from the
> Louisville Public Health and Wellness department where he worked for 3
> years in a basement as a Local Network Analyst making $47,652/year,
> but we'll stick to the UPS job for now.
> (Message Archiving Enabled to make post searchable)
> -sw
>> From: "Richardt K." >
>> Newsgroups:
>> Subject: UPS and DOWNS
>> Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 17:07:50 -0500
>> Message-ID: >
>> Do you want to hear about the seasonal helper monkey job?
>> The stairs on the truck are the worse thing. What moron thought it would be
>> good to make a truck where you have to literally climb up to get into the
>> truck, and have to be hang on to a handrail to get off the damn thing and
>> them having to put almost all their weight on one leg when they get out
>> because the damn last step on the trucks earlier than 94 are about 2 feet
>> off the ground? Doing that 100-150 or more times a day is not good for the
>> knees... All they want to do is use people up as much as they can.
>> Literally work them like dogs... And why do they emphasize I have to be
>> clean-shaven every time they talk to me. They got some issues with facial
>> hair!
>> From: "Richardt K." >
>> Newsgroups:
>> Subject: uPs trucks
>> Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 22:39:16 -0500
>> Message-ID: >
>> I hate ****ing UPS... What morons run the company that give trucks to
>> employees that make their job harder. It is hard enough with out having
>> trucks that literally have the first step 21" off the ground (I measured and
>> the damn first step is up to the bottom of my knee.) Getting in out of a
>> truck with steps like that is hard on the knees. Especially getting out and
>> putting your weight on your knee. This job is going to ruin my knees-- that
>> are already suspect. And for what?
>> The idiot driver tonight asked if I wanted to work more (past the allotted 5
>> hours). I said "I'm kinda wore out, to be honest". He then proceeds to
>> keep driving the route and called in the office to approve having me for
>> more time (when I wasn't in the truck). Two hours later we finally
>> finished; I'm annoyed, sore and angry.
>> From: Somebody >
>> Newsgroups:
>> Subject: uPs trucks
>> Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 08:15:34 -0500
>> Message-ID: >
>> I am too sore to work today. We delivered in a rich neighborhood, and those
>> ****ers have huge driveways and live in hilly areas with tons of steps and
>> often get multiple boxes. I counted and one ****ers driveway was 122 steps
>> from the driveway to the door. That's roughly 122 yards, one way. Carrying
>> some stupid rich person's crap. Actually most the boxes are not heavy and
>> are very light, but there are occasionally heavy one. One house had 11
>> boxes, stuffed to the gills each box. One box was split at the seem and had
>> bunch of clothes stuffed in it.... The last drop/box was the nearly the
>> size of ping pong table and weighed 140 lbs! I didn't think UPS delivered
>> things like that but the driver said it was just at the limit. Some sort of
>> exercise equipment.
>> I can't work out of the old trucks they have had me on last 3 days. My body
>> does not handle stepping down 21" very well, over and over. We did about
>> 200 stops yesterday. I didn't do every one one but probably about 86%. I
>> am going to tell the lady my knees are too sore from working out of the old
>> truck with the high step and I cannot work today. It may be doing me a
>> favor to put me on a "no hire" list. If I keep doing this, my knees are
>> going to be ruined and I have no health care. And I would like to be able
>> to walk at least a few more years while still alive.
>> From: Somebody >
>> Newsgroups:
>> Subject: uPs trucks
>> Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 06:32:39 -0500
>> Message-ID: >
>> UPS PS I think mentally I can't work there anymore, not with those damn
>> truck 21" steps. I told Jessica my knees were too sore to work Wed and why.
>> She said she would call the next morning. Though she didn't. I wonder if
>> she will call today. I wonder if I will bother to answer the phone... I'd
>> rather stay in and watch more episodes of Homeland.
>> From: Somebody >
>> Newsgroups:
>> Subject: uPs trucks
>> Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2012 14:14:42 -0500
>> Message-ID: >
>> I wish the trucks had 12 steps! I refuse to take a leap (of faith) off the
>> 21" last step anymore. I am going to take a stand on the last step... I
>> would take a step ladder with me, but that is not practical... I don't mind
>> work if it's interesting and meaningful. But all I get offered is
>> uninteresting and unmeaningful, and low pay... They didn't call me the
>> last two days; though she said Wednesday she would call me the next
>> morning... When I mentioned my knee was bothering me; she asked if I was
>> alright, but I think it was because she was afraid she would have to file
>> form for workers comp or something. I'm not sure if seasonal people even
>> get workers comp but I suppose legally they have to. But they would
>> probably say it was a pre-existing condition.
>> Maybe I am on the do not call list now... I think I will call Monday say I
>> cannot work on the older trucks with the 21" step. I get different answers
>> from different people about UPS. It's an odd place. And the drivers do
>> things that they said in orientation not to do. The one drive talked on his
>> celly quite a few times while driving, and I was only with that guy 2 hours.
>> I did get a paycheck in the mail today which was nice, but it was only $149.