Brooklyn1 wrote:
> Inject... WRONG... a great way for the liquid to go down into the
> bronchials and give the poor thing pneumonia. I've bottle fed four of
> the cats I have now, two from three days old, two from three hours
> old, and I've bettle fed several kittens and puppies previously. A
> healthy kitten will nurse from a bottle almost immedietely if not
> sooner... there are ways to urge them to nurse (the same way the
> mother cat does) but it's much easier for someone to demonstrate than
> to explain. If the kitten is not healthy then bring it to a Vet. If
> you don't know how to nurse a kitten with a bottle ask a Vet, or Vet
> Asst... most anyone with any authority at a legitimate animal shelter
> certainly would have demonstrated before releasing a kitten that needs
> to be nursed, and have the person actually bottle feed the kitten in
> their presence to be sure they are successful, in fact they would have
> given the person a couple of bottles with nipples (and shown the
> proper hole size) and a can of kitten formula as a starter kit, and no
> way would they ever mention eye droppers and definitely not
> syringes... this entire story reeks of BS.
You can't always be 100% correct, Sheldon.