Wedding registries for expensive gifts.
On Dec 7, 9:31*am, Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> In article
> >,
> *spamtrap1888 > wrote:
> > Thinking of impractical, never-used, and expensive wishlists: When
> > good friends of mine got married, in the pre-Internet era, I had
> > barely heard of registries. He wanted solid copper pots, while she was
> > content with these heavy orange pots and pans that I later realized
> > were LeCreuset.
> > I gave them an envelope full of cash according to the way of my
> > people.
> > When they split up, some eight years later, she kept the LeCreuset,
> > while he hung on to the solid copper. By now, he has had to have them
> > retinned twice.
> > The only time he cooks is when he entertains, so the pots see little
> > use these days.
> What's your question?
What's your experience along those lines?
This was topic drift in another thread.