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Gary Gary is offline
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Default OT - Another tiny cat

Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Fri, 07 Dec 2012 05:45:51 -0500, Gary > wrote:

> >You can't always be 100% correct, Sheldon.
> >

> That's about a sick cat (not a nursing kitten), and I clearly
> indicated to contact a Vet for a sick animal... one day you may learn
> how to read for comprehension rather than to satisfy your snotty ego

My snotty ego? heheh Resorting to name calling shows you backed into a

Try reading the entire article and you'll see it's also about nursing a
kitten. You'll also see that sometimes it's necessary.

My vet did recommend the syringe as did MaryL's vet. Your way is a good
natural way if it works but it doesn't always. Force feeding is sometimes
necessary if you want your pet to live past a temporary problem. I hope your
beloved cats never need this.

And you don't force a stream down the animals throat like you envision. You
place the syringe in the corner of it's mouth and let the food dribble out a
little at a time.
