On Fri, 07 Dec 2012 21:50:52 -0700, Christine Dabney
> wrote:
>On Fri, 7 Dec 2012 21:48:01 -0600, "Polly Esther"
> wrote:
>>We'll be having 'open house' Christmas Day. We don't invite anyone, it just
>>seems to happen that the survivors appear here. I have vast quantities of
>>ripe bananas and it crosses my mind that I could bake and freeze banana nut
>>bread. I'm thinking I could bake it 'not quite', cool and freeze it. Then,
>>thaw and finish baking. It also crosses my mind that I could wind up with a
>>dried out or soggy mess. Any special techniques in producing a thawed/baked
>>bread that is really good? Polly
>They freeze really well, and thaw just as well. I would go ahead and
>fully bake them.
+1 on that. I'll also add that if you didn't have use for
banana bread in your future- bananas continue to sweeten in the
freezer. They turn into a soupy mess when thawed-- so I put them in
2-banana baggies.
And if I start to get too many bananas I reduce a 1/2 dozen to the
volume of 2 and make a *really* banana-y loaf or two.
Bob T posted the link for a 6-banana bread last year