On 08/12/2012 11:13 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 12/8/2012 11:01 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> We tried (but failed) to take over at least part of Canada when we were
>>> fighting the British in 1775. I say we should try to avoid such an
>>> attempt again. 
>> You also tried to take us over in the War of 1812. After the US Civil
>> War the US government support attempts by the Fenians to take over some
>> of Canada to establish an Irish homeland.
> *That* I did not know. Then again, my information about Canada is very
> limited. My Scottish grandparents emigrated to the US through Canada.
> My mom and my brothers and I visited a great aunt in Niagara Falls. Had
> my first taste of really good fish & chips served in a rolled uup
> newspaper, drizzled with malt vinegar. Delicious!
My mother's Irish and German ancestors did the opposite, coming to
Canada from the US. My father in law came to Canada from the US.
I am just down the road from Niagara Falls. AAMOF, I was thinking of
scooting over to "the Falls" to do some shopping this afternoon. Too
rainy to go the actual falls.