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Default Wedding registries for expensive gifts.

On Sat, 08 Dec 2012 09:20:22 -0500, Gary > wrote:

>Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On Fri, 7 Dec 2012 22:05:25 -0800 (PST), spamtrap1888
>> > wrote:
>> >On Dec 7, 4:49 pm, gloria p > wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> It's so hard to buy gifts for the younger generation because there's so
>> >> little they want or need. When they want it, they go out and buy it
>> >> immediately or go online and expect next-day delivery.
>> >
>> >That was the problem I had buying presents for the older generation,
>> >specifically my dad. If he needed or wanted something, he would just
>> >go out and buy it. Things he didn't need or see an immediate use for,
>> >he didn't want.

>> Used to be easy finding a gift for each other. We now fall into that
>> category. Neither of us needs anything and we have every wanted
>> appliance, tool, toy, decoration, and whatever.
>> Only thing I want more of is enjoying time together. I hope it never
>> ends.

>And that's the very best gift you can give each other - love and cherish
>every single day "until death do us part."

That's not a gift, that's a promise people make to each other from
day one. You still need to buy a gift or you're a cheapskate...
saying one has everything they need is a **** poor excuse for not
buying a nice gift. I find it very easy to buy gifts, everyone I know
has hobbies... and even if one doesn't know exactly what hobbiest's
item to buy there are gift certificates for the hobby stores. Everyone
who knows me well enough to buy me a gift knows I appreciate all kinds
of trees/shrubs so I typically get a plant I've mentioned I'd like to
have or a gift certificate for my favorite plant nursery. If someone
golfs every golfer can't ever have too many golf shirts or balls. If
someone knits a gift certificate for their favorite yarn store is much
appreciated. I think people who say don't buy me anything because
they already have everything they need have a very low opinion of
themselves so don't feel they are worth a gift. When people I know
are going on a trip to a far off place and ask if they can bring me
anything I would typically say nothing expensive, because items in
gift shops are rarely from that country unless visiting China. I
appreciate them snail mailing me a few picture postcards much more
than poorly made chachkas bought in say Denmark but made in Hong
Kong... and any foods/beverages they can schlep back I can buy in
NYC... if you can't buy it in NYC it doesn't exist.