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The Cook The Cook is offline
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Default Thawing, serving bread

On Sat, 8 Dec 2012 14:50:33 -0600, "Polly Esther"
> wrote:

>I needed to take the quickest way out so I looked for the best way to freeze
>bananas. Nice blog lady suggested: mash them, put open sandwich size zip bag
>inside measuring cup and spoon in bananas. Put all filled bags in bigger
>freezer grade zip. How cool is that? Didn't even have to wash the measuring
>cup. No time to wander around her pages but I did stay for freezing
>buttermilk. Seems like I buy a quart for a recipe, use one cup and let the
>rest spoil. Now I know to freeze the leftover. So soon old, so late smart.

Freeze in usable portions, so you can take out a bag or jar or
whatever and only thaw what you need.

Bananas can be stored in the refrigerator or frozen whole in the
skins. Wrap in newspaper and put in a heavy duty plastic bag. I
need to start doing this since I either have too many or too few for
what I want to do.
Susan N.

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Vittorio De Sica, Italian movie director (1901-1974)