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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default Thawing, serving bread

In article >,
"Polly Esther" > wrote:

> We'll be having 'open house' Christmas Day. We don't invite anyone, it just
> seems to happen that the survivors appear here. I have vast quantities of
> ripe bananas and it crosses my mind that I could bake and freeze banana nut
> bread. I'm thinking I could bake it 'not quite', cool and freeze it. Then,
> thaw and finish baking. It also crosses my mind that I could wind up with a
> dried out or soggy mess. Any special techniques in producing a thawed/baked
> bread that is really good? Polly

Your idea is pretty grim, I think. Why do you not want to simply bake
and freeze the loaves? Wrap them well and they'll be fine. And if you
wrapped them well and refrigerated them, they'll be fine, too. Half
baked? Seems like a half-baked idea. Stick with baked and frozen.

Barb,, as of August 20, 2012