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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default stick blender for only $6.99

In article >,
(z z) wrote:

> Cheap enough to not feel guilty about trying it.
> I, too, have been hemming and hawing about getting a stick blender-my
> quandary is that I really want to buy the ?Oster? rechargeable stick
> blender (handle rotates into a gun shape also) because it is cordless
> but I am afraid it will turn out to be weak and more of a drinks blender
> than a processor.

You're setting yourself up for disappointment if you expect a stick
blender to be a food processor. They are quite different. The stick
blender is great for a number of things, especially if it has a couple
different "tools;" e.g., a whip and a chopper bowl for chopping small
quantities of things -- maybe a batch of salsa.
Barb,, as of August 20, 2012