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Linda[_13_] Linda[_13_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 6
Default Foodsaver Professional II cutting blade only

Good morning. I'm not certain that this is the appropriate place for
this post so if someone has a better option, please let me know.

The cutting blade on our Foodsaver Professional II is so dull that it
no longer cuts the bags. I asked Foodsaver for a part number for this
particular blade, but they advised that this part is no longer

I did find a "hack" for replacing the blade, but I really don't want
to work with single-edge razor blades (and the attendant cut fingers
and hands).

Does anyone have an old Foodsaver Professional II that still has a
working cutting blade that they'd be willing to sell to us?

My husband does a lot of fishing and hunting (and our friends share
their fish and meat with us in exchange for veggies from our abundant

Thank you.

Mrs. Smith
Central Point, Oregon