On Dec 17, 2:52*pm, Dave Smith > wrote:
> On 17/12/2012 1:55 PM, graham wrote:>http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2...rfa-macdonald-
> In the minds of some people, anyone who owns and uses guns, even only
> for target shooting, is a "gun nut".
Sure, how about ignoring them? Or are you setting up a strawman?
> There really isn't much difference between an assault rifle and a target
> rifle or hunting rifle. *They come on different calibres and the bullets
> share the same ballistics.
Well shit, I thought you knew something about guns, well you said you
do anyway.
But nope, you don't, or you are carelessly conflating and simplifying
in order to advance bullshit.
Bolt action is the preferred choice for hunting rifles. An no hunter
would ever consider even wanting a clip of more than 5-10 rounds, and
most of those would be unused 99% of the time. No real hunter would
purchase a Bushmaster for any game. Any hunter can take a glance at a
rifle and know if it's for hunting game, or not.
Hunting rifles:
Not hunting:
>Maybe it is the image of a combat weapon
> that impresses the bejeepers out of the real gun
> nuts.
Ya think? Just mebbe?
> What I objected to in the article is where the author rejected the
> comment from a Utah congressmen who commented on the underlying mental
> health issue.
People being human is suddenly a mental health issue?
> * When someone barges into a school and shoots 20 children, a bunch of
> adults and then himself.... it is a mental health issue.
Which, absent access to firearms would not have ended this way. Europe
and Asia statistically have the same # of nutso's, but absent
firearms, they pound sand.
Try again, be honest and try not repeating the words and ideas of your
betters from FAUX news.