OT - for the gun nuts!
On 18/12/2012 1:21 PM, William wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Dec 2012 17:52:23 -0500, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>> What I objected to in the article is where the author rejected the
>> comment from a Utah congressmen who commented on the underlying mental
>> health issue.
> This is interesting. I had to read this information on a London
> newspaper's website. Apparently, the mother of the shooter was a
> "prepper" who believed the end of the world was near. Is that insanity
> or what? So, I guess we know who to go round up and disarm now!
I guess that supports the idea that there was some craziness. People
like that tend to be a little less than sane, and apples don't fall far
from the tree. Apparently the guy had been taken out of the local school
and was home schooled. I am quite sure that there are some people out
there who can probably teach their own kids better than some teachers
can, and that some home situations are more conducive to learning than
some schools. The problem is that a lot of the people who want to home
school their kids do it because they don't want the kids to be
contaminated with normal thoughts and ideas. There is usually some deep
religious angle there.