"graham" > wrote:
>>> Am a lifelong hunter, own 2 rifles, 6 shotguns, no pistols.
>> You're not one of those I'm worried about.
>Why not?
>Why the hell does he need 2 rifles and 6 shotguns? He's only got one pair of
Maybe you should worry about me, Graham. In my house are 2 pistols,
2 shotguns, and 5[6?] rifles.
Here's the line-up-
45caliber flintlock pistol- was a gun building project 40 years ago-
haven't fired it in decades- but it is pretty.
..22 caliber single shot rifle in the garage for that cussed woodchuck.
..17 caliber pellet gun [this is the ?6-- it is a deadly weapon - and
if I was a survivalist, I'd take it before most of my guns- but
technically it isn't a firearm in a lot of states] I keep it in the
house and have shot a ton of squirrels with it
..22 caliber revolver- my wife's- was her grandfather's- she inherited
it in 1969. A nice little pistol that he carried for vermin on the
farm. I've shot some paper with it, but I'm not really a pistol guy.
..22 automatic rifle- Nylon 66- my first rifle- bought in '67 with
money raised selling seeds door-to-door. A good trapping & small game
20 gauge shotgun- bought in 68- used for years for small game hunting.
12 gauge double barrel shotgun. One of those 'saw it at an estate
sale and thought I might use it'-- I haven't.
30/30- Savage 99 -this one was my dad's- but it is a match to my
250/3000 - he didn't know I'd sold mine when he gave me his. A good
deer rifle, and a beautiful piece of 19th century craftsmanship.
30/30 Winchester 94- was also my dad's. There are some sweet
memories there. [anyone who watched their dad clean his rifles when
they were children will smile when they hear that there is a Hoppe's
#9 air freshener-
http://www.amazon.com/Hoppes-H9AF-Ai...dp/B007ED76P8/ ]
So I've got a little firepower here-- I own nothing worth killing
anyone over, though. [and probably wouldn't use a gun if someone
needed killing]