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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Standing Rib Roast

On 12/20/2012 12:21 PM, ImStillMags wrote:
> On Dec 20, 9:12 am, jmcquown > wrote:
>> I promise not to call it prime rib. The local grocery store (Publix)
>> has standing rib roasts at the meat counter for $6.29/lb. It's been
>> years since I ordered and made one. I may just have to buy one, even if
>> I just stash it in the freezer to cook next year. Or cook it and stash
>> the slices in the freezer.
>> I'm also thinking of the lovely beef stock I could make from those
>> roasted bones after cooking the roast. They're not difficult to slice,
>> down and across the bones. Every time I've cooked standing rib roast
>> there is always meat left on the bones which greatly enhance the beef stock.
>> Jill

> Jill, try this. My favorite:

Thanks! I've always cut slits into the roast and inserted slivers of
garlic all over. Pat the roast well with salt & pepper and turn the
oven on high (500F). Roast for an hour, then turn off the oven. Leave
it, don't open the oven door. Turn it back on a couple of hours later
at 375F and roast for another hour and a half-2 hours (depending on the
weight of the roast). It comes out rare in the middle graduating to
med-rare and then well done on the ends. My mom cut this out of a
newspaper article around 1975. Works every time for a 5-7 lb. standing
rib roast.
